Saturday, January 26, 2008

More RSSssszzzzz...

Okay, I think I've figured out how to edit the feeds so they display the whole entry. And I can see that you wouldn't necessarily want to do that for all of them (eg. news feeds where you only want to read headlines).

I find it easiest to locate feeds by going to my favorite sites. I tried Google Blogger Search and Technorati and they just seem to bring up a lot of stuff that's not what I'm looking for.

I'm really not sure how a library would use RSS. It seems like something that's useful to individuals. Let's see if I can find something about that.

Hmmm. I just Googled "RSS use in libraries" and found this PDF entitled Libraries and RSS. Apparently some libraries are using providing RSS feeds to alert patrons to new aquisitions, changes in hours, events, etc. Okay, that could be useful.

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